Saturday, September 20, 2008

About college

Unity Women's College was established in 1991 and is run by Muslim Educational & Cultural Association MECA - a registred society. Strarted as a first Grade Aided College and affiliated to the University of Clicut, it is the only multi-faculty (Arts, Science & Commerce)Womens College in Malappuram District.It has al so the unique distiction of bieng the only institution of this kind run by muslim community in Kerala. The institution aims mainly at the upliftment of women in genaral and the educationally backward muslim women in particular, through modern good quality education.


Situated 1.6 kms of Manjeri - Calicut road, at 'Koodakkara', the College function in two magnificent buildings, surrounded by the panoramic and enchanting scenery of hillocks and greenary. The College provide its own transportation facility to the staff and students. The College has creditable academic as well as co-curricular accomplishments in the past. The College has been accredited by the National Addessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) at B+ level in 2005.



1. B.A.English(Main)
History and World History(Subs)
2. B.A.History(Main)
Political Science and West Asian Studies(Subs)
3. B.Sc. Chemistry(Main)
Mathematics and Physics(Subs)
4 . B.Sc. Computer Science(Main)
Mathematics and Physics(Subs)
5. B.Sc.Botany(Main)
Chemistry and Zoology(Subs)
6. B.Sc.Family and Community Science(Main)
Chemistry and Zoology(Subs)
7. B.Com(Co-operation)
8. B.Com(Computer Application)


9. MA English (4 semesters)


10. Database Management and Programming.
(Offered by the Dept. of Computer Science)
11. Nutrition and Dietetics
(Offered by the Dept. of Family and Community Science)
12. Micropropagation and Horticultural Practices
(Offered by the Dept. of Botany)

Friday, September 19, 2008

welfare shemes


1.Tutorial system.
At the beginning of the academic year, students are grouped in to different batches and placed under the personal charge of a teacher designated as ‘Tutor’. He/she will be regularly monitor the attendance, progress and conduct of students under him/her and will give necessary guidance. Students shall forward all applications including leave to the principal through the concerned class tutor. University application forms shall be attested by the class tutor. the progress report of the students will also be intimated to parents by the class tutor.

2.Students Aid Fund(SAF)
For helping very needy& financially backward students a general funds is raised from staff &students in the form of donations. Selected students will get financial assistance from the SAF. A fund also raised to meet the monthly bus fare of deserving students by contribution from PTA.

3. Parent teacher association.
A parent teacher association is actively functioning for promoting general welfare of the students and keeping good relation ship between parents and teacher. The graduation of every students shall join the association and all teachers are members of the association. The annual membership fee is 25/-, The college buses are sponsored by PTA. Proficiency prizes are also awarded by PTA. The Vice-President of the Association is elected from among the parents.

4. Career and Courses Guidance Centre(CGC)
A career and course guidance centre is functioning in the college for helping the students to know and select their career and courses. Awareness programmers are conducted by expert to selected group of students. reference books are made available in the library for equipping the students to undergo competitive examinations.

An internal quality assurance cell has been set up in the college as a post accreditation quality sustenance measure. since quality Enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will work forwards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. further, it will channels the effort and measures of the institution towards academic excellence.

6.National Service Scheme
The main objective of NSS is to create spirit of service among students to the fellow being and to the society.It also aimsat the personality development of students by interaction and participation in various social and cultural activities.Every students completing 240 hours of social work and attending one special camp will be eligible for a certificate issued by University,which fetches 5 marks weightage for hiegher study.
There are two units of N.S.S in the college each having an enrolment strength of 100.

7.Compulsory Social Service(CSS)
From 1998-99 academic year onwards,Calicut University has implimented Compulsory Social Service to the degree student.Accordingly all students shall undergo a minimum 42 days of social service work during the course for awarding thier degree.The aim is to arouse the social concience of student community and to inculate service mentality among students and to prepare them to be useful to the society.There is an implimentation committee in the college with a co-ordinator and group tutor will be in charge of executing and monitoring the programme.



The college hostel, functions in the college campus. The hostel has been named ”Nightingale House”, symbolizing dedicated service, Hostel accommodation is available for a limited number of students। Those who wish to join the hostel shall submit separate application after obtaining admission in the college and shall pay the establishment charges and caution deposit at the time of admission ।The boarding charges are calculated on a monthly dividing basis, Rent Rs………Establishment charges………,Water………(The rates are subject to change)


  • Application for hostel admission shall be in the prescribed form available at the college office.prescribed form available at the college office. Admission will be offered to the available seats considering the accademic merit and need of the applicant.

  • Inmates shall adhere to the routinr schedule&rules in thehostel issued by Dy.Warden/Hostel Matron.

  • Students themselves shall be responsible for all thier valuables and other personal belongings and avoid wearing costly gold ornaments.

  • Inmates should get permission from the Matron before leaving the hostel premises. They shall reach the hostel before 6.00pm.after the classes in the normal working days.

  • Inmates shall not allow or entertain outsiders to enter the hostel without prior permission.

  • Students will be allowed to go home during holidays &vacations with their parents/Guardian/Authorised person, who shoud produce identity card in turn while taking the ward from the hostel, issued by the principal. However in special cases/occasions a written request to the principal from Parent/Guardian will be honored and an inmate may be permitted to go home alone or with other neighboring students.

  • Inmates shall submit their leave at the college during illness through the Dy. Warden/Matron

  • No fund shall be collected or meeting organized in the hostel without previous consent of the warden.

  • Mess dues will be published on the first week of every month and inmates shall remit the dues before 15th of every month without fine.

  • Principal as the chief warden reserves the right to dismiss a student from the hostel on specific reasons noted or reported.


The college library has a collection of 12300 volumes and will subscribe 73 periodicals during the report year. All the collections in the library are classified and catalogued according to DDC(Dewey Decimal Classification)scheme. The library is completely computerized with a standard library software. PAC(on the public access catalogue)is provided to locate the documents available in the library quickly. Internet access facilities are also available in the library.


There is a good collection of standard text books in all subjects and reference materials such as dictionaries, Encyclopedias Directories etc .in reference reading room .Books from the section shall not be allowed to be taken out.

Text book section contains standard text books in all subjects. They are loaned to deserving students for a period of one year, a normal fees has to be paid for each book.

Friday, September 12, 2008



  • Students shall behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the college.
  • Students shall observe strict modesty in dress.
  • Students shall always carry identity cards with them.
  • No meeting of any kind shall be organized or any sort of fund collected without the permission of the Principal.
  • Students shall not indulge in any kind of misdemeanor bringing opprobrium to the institution.
  • Students shall not entertain visitors without prior per mission.


  • Students who do not enjoy fee concession shall remit the fees,which will be collected in the office in 3 terms on the days noted in the calendar and also as notified from time to time.
  • Fee will be received in the college office only on the specified collection days from 9.30am to 3.00 pm.
  • If the fees and fine,if any,are not paid within 15 days of due date,the name of the students will be removed from the college rolls and the students will not get the benefit of attendance.
  • No student shall be absent from class without leave.
  • Students absenting themselves without leave for ten consecutive working days will be struck off the rolls.
  • Application for leave in the specified format(available in college co-operative store)shall be forwarded to the pricipal through the class tutor.
  • The annual certificate of the attendance required for operating in University Examinations will not be granted unless the principal is satisfied with the attendance,progress and conduct of the student.


  • Working Hours:The library is keeps open on all working days from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m
  • Strict discipline and silence shall be observed in the library.
  • Membership of the library id extended to all students of the college.Five library tickets are issued to each P.G students and three tickets to each UG students
  • For availing this facility the students will have to submit an application in the prescribed form.
  • They are entitled to borrow books on the production of readers ticket.
  • Loss of ticket should be intimated to the librarian immediately in writing.A fine of Rs.25/- will be levied for each card lost.
  • If a book is lost it can be replaced by a copy of same edition. if it is not done within the due date,4times the cost of the book and overdue charge have to be paid.
  • Those who borrow books from the library are requested to examine them carefully and report damages if any to the library assistant. the borrower will be held responsible for any damage found at the time of returning the books other than damages already reported.
  • The librarian reserves the right to recall at any time any book issued from the library.