- Students shall behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the college.
- Students shall observe strict modesty in dress.
- Students shall always carry identity cards with them.
- No meeting of any kind shall be organized or any sort of fund collected without the permission of the Principal.
- Students shall not indulge in any kind of misdemeanor bringing opprobrium to the institution.
- Students shall not entertain visitors without prior per mission.
- Students who do not enjoy fee concession shall remit the fees,which will be collected in the office in 3 terms on the days noted in the calendar and also as notified from time to time.
- Fee will be received in the college office only on the specified collection days from 9.30am to 3.00 pm.
- If the fees and fine,if any,are not paid within 15 days of due date,the name of the students will be removed from the college rolls and the students will not get the benefit of attendance.
- No student shall be absent from class without leave.
- Students absenting themselves without leave for ten consecutive working days will be struck off the rolls.
- Application for leave in the specified format(available in college co-operative store)shall be forwarded to the pricipal through the class tutor.
- The annual certificate of the attendance required for operating in University Examinations will not be granted unless the principal is satisfied with the attendance,progress and conduct of the student.
Nice work !
Good to have one blog with all necessary data ....
nice work
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